Why Video Content Reigns Supreme on Social Media

Why Video Content Reigns Supreme on Social Media. Image of a woman recording herself on a camera with a microphone attached. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Does it ever shock you how ONE viral video can change a person’s life? With the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels, video content has become one of the most important strategies for social media success. Whether you own a five-star restaurant, mom-and-pop shop, or law firm, implementing video content into your social strategy is…

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When was the last time your clients or followers heard from YOU?

When was the last time your clients or followers heard from YOU? Image of a man smiling while talking on the phone. He's sitting at a desk with an open laptop infront of him. DCA Virtual Business Support. Showing Up

Several weeks ago, I was talking to a client about planning her LinkedIn content calendar – the original messaging she wanted to organize and share with her thousands of followers. A bit flustered by the idea of having to craft original content, she replied flippantly, “Oh, I don’t know, just share something for me, that’ll…

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The Power of Video: Bring Your Brand’s Social Media to Life

The Power of Video: Bring Your Brand’s Social Media to Life. Image of two people talking about products in front of a smart phone as it records them. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Lights, Camera, Video, & Increased Business Exposure? It is no secret that social media has become an integral part of most brands’ marketing strategies. But what type of posts reach consumers most effectively? What should you be posting more of to increase your business’s exposure? As of early 2023, 84% of consumers reported they’ve bought…

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Social Media, Email Marketing, & Landing Pages Working in Harmony

Social Media, Email Marketing, & Landing Pages Working in Harmony. Image of a person holding a smart tablet that shows a Venn diagram where 'Social Networks' and 'Email Marketing' overlap.

Social media is more than just an entryway to boosting your business’s visibility. When done correctly, it can play an integral part in shifting followers into your marketing funnel, specifically a drip campaign. In this article, we give you a rundown on how to accomplish just that! Drip Campaign Basics A drip campaign is a…

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Leveraging Social Media to Engage Your Audience

Leveraging Social Media to Engage Your Audience. Image of cartoon people in purple and green word bubbles around a cartoon of the Earth. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Social media is no stranger to small business owners. Do you know and understand how to utilize everything it has to offer your business and its customers? The umbrella of social media is a big one, so it can be easy to overlook elements of it that could be of value to your business. No…

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A Social Twist: Lock-In Business with LinkedIn

A Social Twist: Lock-In Business with LinkedIn. Image of a person looking at a laptop screen that says 'If Content is King, Consistency is Queen'.

Looking to grow your business’s reach in the new year? Engage your audience with the perfect twist of social media and LinkedIn. How to Use Social Media to Create the Ultimate Customer Experience With so many businesses at consumers’ disposal, it is important that your company has that diamond in the rough. Potential customers look…

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Social Media: The Rules of Engagement

Social Media Rules of Engagement

Social media is exactly how it sounds, it’s social. If you’re not posting content consistently, engaging your followers, and allocating time for your accounts, you’re missing out on its full potential. Follow these 7 rules that we follow here at DCA Virtual Business Support to build a healthy foundation for your business and brand to grow on social…

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