DCA Virtual Business Support Capability Statement

Review DCA Virtual Business Support's Capability Statement to see how we can support you and your organization.


Support scaling companies to achieve their goals with our tech-savvy team of assistants, relevant technology, and project managers.


Respect confidentiality; inspire business and
personal growth; ethical in all aspects.

est. 2011

DCA Virtual Business Support empowers small businesses with an expert pairing of virtual administrative and creative services to match their needs. Outsourcing allows business owners to focus on the growth and development of their business without the need to hire full-time staff.

We call our team #VASuperheroes because each team member contributes their unique skills and strengths to our team. Our collaboration-focused team consists of executive assistants, social media coordinators, designers, and website & technical specialists who excel at scheduling, research, organization, social media, graphic design, video, and audio editing, plus updating, troubleshooting, and building websites. They are constantly learning innovative strategies and technologies to match the evolving needs of our clients with current technology.

faster sales closure
more active clients
more engagement

Administrative Capabilities

  • Administrative Task Execution
  • Inbox and Calendar Management
  • Client Facing Communications
  • Customer Service
  • Format Documents &
  • Presentations
  • Manage Shipping & Fulfillment
  • Task & Workflow Management
  • Remote Event Management
  • Sales Process Follow Up
  • Transcription & Note Taking

Creative Capabilities

  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing
  • WordPress Websites
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketing Materials Design
  • Landing Pages
  • Blogging
  • Audio and Video Editing
  • Podcast Production
How We Rescued Our Client's Time

How We Rescued Our Client's Time

Our North Carolina based client specializes in Commercial Construction and nationwide facility maintenance. Dealing with subcontracts used to be a real time drain, taking between 2-4 hours for processing. However, through our strategic innovation and tech know-how, we gave the process a makeover with fillable forms, and you won’t believe the results! We slashed the processing time down to an impressive 15-20 minutes. That’s not just a time-saver; that’s a game-changer that’s supercharging our client’s operations. Now that’s what we call efficiency at its finest! 

A virtual assistant is an investment that grows your business. 

Never Lose Track of Your Certifications

Never Lose Track of Your Certifications

Our Virtual Executive Assistants go beyond typical administrative duties. We can help professionals track their continuing education units (CEU), including real estate. In addition, we can help track licenses and certifications for industries that require them, such as engineering and architecture, to ensure they stay up to date. 

How We Rescued Our Client's Time

Our North Carolina based client specializes in Commercial Construction and nationwide facility maintenance. Dealing with subcontracts used to be a real time drain, taking between 2-4 hours for processing. However, through our strategic innovation and tech know-how, we gave the process a makeover with fillable forms, and you won’t believe the results! We slashed the processing time down to an impressive 15-20 minutes. That’s not just a time-saver; that’s a game-changer that’s supercharging our client’s operations. Now that’s what we call efficiency at its finest! 

A virtual assistant is an investment that grows your business. 

Never Lose Track of Your Certifications

Our Virtual Executive Assistants go beyond typical administrative duties. We can help professionals track their continuing education units (CEU), including real estate. In addition, we can help track licenses and certifications for industries that require them, such as engineering and architecture, to ensure they stay up to date.