Why Video Content Reigns Supreme on Social Media

Why Video Content Reigns Supreme on Social Media. Image of a woman recording herself on a camera with a microphone attached. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Does it ever shock you how ONE viral video can change a person’s life? With the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels, video content has become one of the most important strategies for social media success. Whether you own a five-star restaurant, mom-and-pop shop, or law firm, implementing video content into your social strategy is…

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Changes in Email Marketing: Gmail and Yahoo Inbox Protections

Changes in Email Marketing Gmail and Yahoo Inbox Protections. Image of a person working on a laptop and tapping a safe email symbol with their index finger. DCA Virtual Business Support.

As business owners, we should care about the emails we send to our customers. It’s not about bombarding inboxes; it’s about the quality of your message. Most email recipients choose to unsubscribe because of irrelevant content, too many emails, or they don’t recall subscribing. Lucky for Gmail and Yahoo users, new inbox protections are in…

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The Art of Holistic Marketing

The Art of Holistic Marketing. The four pillars of holistic marketing include (from right to left): 01 - Relationship Marketing (icon of hands shaking in a circle of two arrows), 02 - Integrated Marketing (icon of four puzzle pieces fitting together), 03 - Internal Marketing (icon of three people icons around one central point), and 04 - Societal Marketing (icon of Earth surrounded by six people icons). DCA Virtual Business Support.

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to connect with their audience and drive meaningful engagement. A holistic approach to marketing is a powerful solution, incorporating various channels and platforms to create a seamless and integrated customer experience. In this blog, we’ll explore what a holistic marketing approach is, identify…

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The Power of Video: Bring Your Brand’s Social Media to Life

The Power of Video: Bring Your Brand’s Social Media to Life. Image of two people talking about products in front of a smart phone as it records them. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Lights, Camera, Video, & Increased Business Exposure? It is no secret that social media has become an integral part of most brands’ marketing strategies. But what type of posts reach consumers most effectively? What should you be posting more of to increase your business’s exposure? As of early 2023, 84% of consumers reported they’ve bought…

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Why Every Business Should Perform a User Experience Audit

Why Every Business Should Perform a User Experience Audit. Image of people looking at a white board with mobile website designs drawn on it.

If you run a business that sells products online, chances are you’ve experienced a customer abandoning their shopping cart. Or perhaps you see that people are frequently visiting your website but taking little to no further action. Ever wonder why that is? With so many components of a website, it can be challenging to get…

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Social Media, Email Marketing, & Landing Pages Working in Harmony

Social Media, Email Marketing, & Landing Pages Working in Harmony. Image of a person holding a smart tablet that shows a Venn diagram where 'Social Networks' and 'Email Marketing' overlap.

Social media is more than just an entryway to boosting your business’s visibility. When done correctly, it can play an integral part in shifting followers into your marketing funnel, specifically a drip campaign. In this article, we give you a rundown on how to accomplish just that! Drip Campaign Basics A drip campaign is a…

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