The Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Assistants: How to Get Started  

The Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Assistants How to Get Started. Image of a woman smiling while sitting in front of an open laptop. DCA Virtual Business Support.

Ever feel like you’re in a constant game of whack-a-mole with your to do list? As a business owner, finding the time to focus on strategic growth can feel like a luxury that’s out of reach. Between managing emails, scheduling appointments, keeping up with daily operations, focusing on business growth, something is bound to fall…

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Creative Ways to Use Google and Microsoft Suite

Creative Ways to Use Google and Microsoft Suite. Image of three people smiling while looking at a computer screen together. DCA Virtual Business Support.

When was the last time your team used productivity platforms to their fullest potential? The right office suite platform can be a game changer for handling communication, document management, and creative processes. At DCA Virtual Business Support, we make the most of Google and Microsoft Suite to make our work easier and boost productivity. After…

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5 Tools to Make Your Workflow Flow

Five Tools to Make Your Workflow Flow, image of a small robot made of mechanical pieces holding a wrench and pliers in front of a yellow background. DCA Virtual Business Support.

In today’s tech-savvy workforce, you can virtually shake hands with clients across time zones and engage with employees while still in your pajamas – all with the click of a button. How is this possible? With online productivity and project management apps! These platforms adapt to your team’s needs, streamlining your workflow, and giving you…

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What Can a Virtual Assistant Do for My Business?

What Can a Virtual Assistant Do for My Business?

As a business owner, it sometimes feels as if everything falls on your plate. It may be a challenge knowing where to go to get some help for your small business. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you feel like you have too much to do and are evaluating if a virtual…

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Negotiate Like a Ninja

Negotiate like a ninja

Negotiating, for most of us, is a word that causes anxiety and gives us a pit in our stomach. You know, that pit that tells you you’re dreading doing something? We often associate negotiating with confrontation or interacting with the pushy used car salesman. For small business owners, learning how to develop your negotiation skills is essential.   Let’s start developing your negotiating skills by building your knowledge. Mike Lander, a Business Strategist,…

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Moving Into 2021 With a Solid Plan

As the year is coming to a close, many business owners are planning for 2021. If not for the whole year, at least for the first quarter of the new year. How do you plan for your business, especially when we have had such an odd year? Myself, I rely on my advisor to help guide me…

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LinkedIn: 690 Million Users and Growing

Did you know that LinkedIn has 690 MILLION active users? This was announced by parent company, Microsoft at the end of April in their quarterly earnings news.    How is LinkedIn gaining so many users? For this, we need to look at some of the newest features and how that drives users to this business-oriented platform.   Live Streaming – This…

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Scheduling Tools Pros & Cons

Scheduling Tools Pros and Cons

Have you ever tried to connect with someone and it seemed like your emails went back and forth for days, or even weeks, before you could find a time that worked for both of you? If that is the case, an online scheduling tool might be just the thing you need! There are so many…

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Does Your Landing Page Do This?

Does your landing page work?

Recently, I was on scrolling on Facebook and saw this amazing ad for a ski resort in Big Sky, Montana. It was a contest to win an all-inclusive vacation to their resort. I was immediately hooked! Who wouldn’t want a free vacation? After completing their form, I received an email from them. Before you get…

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