New Normal Communications

New Normal COmmunications

Navigating through this pandemic has had a boatload full of challenges not to mention the uncertainty. We know that there will be a ‘new’ normal slowly shaking out as businesses reopen. We just don’t know what that is going to look like or how rapidly that will evolve. How do you effectively communicate as a brand during the storm?  One…

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When Volunteers Are a Mistake

When Volunteers are a mistake

A couple of years ago, I attended a luncheon for a local nonprofit. They had a wonderful setting, a good meal, and a great program. Personally, I felt like their program was lacking one thing. I’ll get back to that later though. The organization was focused on domestic abuse and assisting the victims. I sat…

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Creating SEO Rich Blogs

SEO Rich blogs

In the world of online blogging, SEO rich blog posts are important in getting your content seen by your readers. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is how search engines prioritize their findings. To create SEO rich blogs, there are a few things you need to know. Consider the following steps below to help…

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Staying Healthy and Fit as a Business Owner

Health & Fitness tips for business owners

As a business owner, you can be pulled in many different directions. Constantly wearing different hats can be mentally and physically exhausting. Owner burnout is one of the most common reasons why businesses fail. It’s important to make sure you take care of yourself because your business is only as healthy as you are. It…

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Time Management Hacks for Growing Businesses

Time Management Hacks

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? This lament is particularly common among small business owners as they are often tasked with taking on a variety of roles to ensure the success of their business. But, it doesn’t have to be this way! While there is, no doubt, always something…

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Ready to Sell Your Business?

Ready to sell your Business?

After spending years growing and maintaining your business, you might ask yourself: what’s next? Is it time to consider retirement or a new venture entirely?  If you think it is time to start a new chapter in your life, you already have your answer.  It’s time to pass the torch and sell your business. The…

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Why You Must Use Multiple Social Media Platforms

Using multiple social media platforms

Social media has started a whole new way of networking. What started out as a way to connect with your circle of friends has now expanded to include the entire world. With 60+ platforms available there is a little something for everyone. This has changed the world of marketing! A business is no longer restricted…

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The Importance of Having a Strong Mission Statement

Importance of a strong mission statement

For some start-ups, developing a strong business plan can seem irrelevant. Even established companies can lose sight of their plans after securing outside investors. No matter where your business falls, there is value in outlining why your business exists. There is a reason your company formed, and it is found in the mission statement.    For Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups:   Funders and investors review your business plan before making a financial…

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Why Ignoring a Vacation will Cost You Time and Sales

The importance of taking a vacation

Taking a vacation can lower your stress and improve your heart and mental health. It can also improve your connections and how you communicate with people. When was the last time you took a vacation? If you’re like many business owners, it’s been awhile. In fact, studies have determined that only around fifty percent of…

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5 Sources of Content Inspiration

5 Sources of Content Inspiration

Coming up with captivating online content can be a challenge. But it’s necessary for drawing in leads, establishing and sustaining your credibility, and improving your SEO. In short, creative online content is necessary to grow your business. To make it easy on you, here are our top 5 sources of content inspiration.   #1 Top…

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