Time Management Hacks for Growing Businesses
Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? This lament is particularly common among small business owners as they are often tasked with taking on a variety of roles to ensure the success of their business. But, it doesn’t have to be this way! While there is, no doubt, always something that can be done to improve the business, it is just as important to take time for yourself. Below is an insightful guide to decreasing your workload, so you can find the time to continue to grow your business but also relax and enjoy life.
The first step to tackling an issue with workload is to break it up into manageable pieces. You likely didn’t get into this position overnight or with a single choice, so it is reasonable that the problem won’t be solved in that fashion either. Start by writing out what your to-do list looks like on a normal day, then rank these tasks by importance. The items near the bottom of the list are the lower priority. If these lower priority tasks can be completed by someone other than yourself, consider delegating them to other members of your team.
In fact, your team members can be an incredible asset when trying to manage your time effectively. A growing team is a sign of a growing business, so if you’re able to bring more talented individuals on board this will allow you to delegate more responsibilities. Remember, team work makes your dream work. Consider bringing on people whose skills complement your own but will also bring their own unique talents to your business. And don’t be afraid to let go. Building out your team does not mean you’re no longer in control. Quite the contrary! It is a sign of a developing business tapping into growth and innovation.
Also keep in mind that not all activities need to be kept in house. Outsourcing can be a great way to free up you and your team’s time to take care of higher priority tasks. And there are so many every day and specialized duties that can be outsourced! Payroll, bookkeeping, social media management, website building, marketing, blogging, email management, and the list goes on. While outsourcing does come with extra cost to you, it may be a worthwhile option to consider as it will not only save you time but may save you money in the long run.
Time management is not always easy as a small business owner, but it is achievable. Creating lists, relying on your team, and outsourcing can be effective ways to make more time for your business and yourself. Not sure where to start? DCA Virtual offers tutorials and trainings, business-specific blog posts, and paid services that can be valuable resources when it comes to learning to effectively manage your business and your time, so you can get back to living your life. –
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