How To Become An “Industry Expert” Using Social Media
An overlooked benefit of using social media is that you have the opportunity to be seen as an industry expert in your field. With social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or YouTube, small business owners are able to self-publish with more ease and regularity than ever before. Posting regularly not only increases brand recognition, it also shows you to be a trusted name in your industry. Potential customers or clients will see you as more skillful and experienced than those whose social media pages are empty of content.
Here are some ideas for how you can create meaningful content that will turn you into a trusted expert in your industry:
#1: Post Industry News
Keep your followers up-to-date with important news from your field or industry. As an expert, you have access to knowledge that existing or potential clients don’t. By keeping them informed about ongoing developments in your industry, you become a trusted resource- and more valuable than your competition.
#2 Tips and Tricks
In addition to keeping your followers up-to-date with industry news, give them regular expert tips! When people don’t know something, they take to the Internet to find out. It may as well be your advice they stumble upon. By providing crucial information about your type of business, product or service, you will gain the respect of potential buyers- as well as their business! Helping potential customers make intelligent purchasing decisions will only increase your sales.
# 3 Tag, Tag, Tag
Another way of showing yourself as an industry expert is to tag other people you work closely with in the industry, as well as interactions with happy clients and customers. (With their permission of course!) Post photos of you together, or tag them in a post about the product or service you’ve just provided them. Thank them for their business. Show enthusiasm for being able to meet and get to know them.
Not only will their followers see this post, giving you a wider marketing reach, you will also be seen as someone who is deeply invested in building relationships with customers, clients, and others working in a similar industry.
#4 Reveal Your Process
Behind-the-scenes posts will give your clients and customers a feel for your expertise. Images that show you hard at work, doing the job that only you do best, is not only a great way for your followers to feel connected to your work, but it also reveals you as truly skilled, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.
Be The Expert!
Use these tips, and you will be seen as an industry expert in no time. As small business owners, we have nothing to lose by using social media regularly, and everything to gain. However, you’re short on time or have trouble navigating different social media networks, contact DCA Virtual Business Support. We specialize in social media management and training. Reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation!