EA Services: The Secret Weapon to Balanced Business
When you invest time, money, and resources into your business, you want to ensure that the results add value and enhance performance. Designed to create balance and boost productivity for busy business professionals like coaches and consultants, Executive Assistant Services (EA Services) could be the secret weapon small businesses need!
Executive Virtual Assistant Services
Stephen R. Covey, the author of The 7 Arts Habits of Highly Effective People, said, “We accomplish all that we do through delegation – either to time or to other people.” We know that is easier said than done, but that is why we believe in the power of Executive Virtual Assistant Services. These services are designed to help busy business professionals like you identify areas that can be delegated to another individual. The end goal? To free up your time, so you can get back to doing the things that need your full attention!
Stephanie Benson started out as an EA at DCA Virtual Business Support and has since been promoted to Assistant Team Lead. She shared the following on her experience working as an EA:
“Providing valuable EA services begins with active listening and keen observation. Many clients are uncertain of how to articulate what they need and are usually carrying such a heavy workload that they don’t have the time to stop and think about it. In fact, I have yet to meet a new client whose calendar and or schedule allows them time for meal breaks, let alone hobbies or time for themselves.”
If seeking help feels like another task on your to-do list that you will never get to, you are not alone! Thinking about delegating tasks sounds nice. However, figuring out what needs to be delegated can sound exhausting and time consuming. EA Services make this possible by evaluating your workload for you, so you don’t have to. We do this by taking a consultive approach.
What is a Consultive Approach?
In essence, a consultive approach means learning the client in order to determine their challenges and needs. Proper recommendations can be made allowing them to create a more effective and balanced schedule.
Benson went into more detail about the consultive approach, describing it like this:
“Taking a consultative approach allows me to build a relationship with the client by coming to understand and identify their pain points and priorities, then offering any valuable insights or feedback for them to consider. Starting and continuing this dialogue with the client is essential to identifying the areas in which I can provide the most relief and to maintaining a consistently productive relationship. Over time, their schedule becomes less aggressive and much more balanced, allowing them more space in which to practice self-care and to give the more important aspects of their business the attention that it deserves.”
We have seen the fruit this approach produces and the ways it has transformed our clients’ lives.
For example, DCA served one coach who was struggling with getting their paperwork signed from the healthcare facilities they serve. They needed signatures for agreements on the statement of work and consent forms before being able to start coaching employees. So, we implemented the consultative approach. We asked them to run us through their process of obtaining clients from start to finish. From there, we were able to help streamline the process by creating a branded PDF of the statement of work and consent forms for the client to send over before scheduling. This prevented a backlog of paperwork from occurring, allowed the client to get the consent required, and made it possible for them to e-file signatures and paperwork in advance.
Whether you are a coach, consultant, CEO, or business owner, it can help you find your groove!
How to Get EA Services?
We at DCA Virtual want to see YOU and your business thrive. We value building meaningful relationships with our clients to help provide them with the best support and care possible. Ready to take the next step to achieving a healthy work balance? Schedule a free consultation with us today!